The first visit

The first visit usually lasts around 1 and 1/2 hours and it consists of the consultation and first treatment.  The consultation includes a reading of the tongue to understand the severity of the issue and how to treat the ailment.  We will also discuss your medical and family health history as well as take a reading of your pulse.  We will then provide treatment based off of your tongue reading and consultation.

Preparing for your visit

A few simple preparations are needed to ensure you get the most out of your visit:

– Wear comfortable clothes that you can easily move around in
– Bring your Driver License and Health Insurance Cards so that we may call your insurance and make sure you get the best converage possible
– Come 15 minutes early to fill out standard clinic forms
– Make sure to take it easy after your first appointment and drink lots of water

To skip coming in 15 min early, you may also download, print, and fill out the standard clinic form below prior to your appointment. Be sure to remember to bring the forms when you come in.

Regular treatments

After your initial consultation, treatments normally last between 30-75 min.

The total number of treatments truly depends on the individual  and the severity and duration of the disease or condition. The more severe and the longer length of your condition, the more treatments you’ll need. If you have intolerable symptoms, you may need daily treatment to relieve the symptoms first, then less frequent treatments to correct the causes of the problem.

ALL OF OUR NEEDLES are sterile and are one time use disposables.  The needles are about as thin as a strand of hair and you barely even notice them and / or are similar to a light pinch. Sometimes we may use the strong stimulations upon your approval to speed up your recovery.

Many individuals find the treatment incredibly relaxing and often fall asleep on the table.